Sunday, July 26, 2009


The official count as of today is four days. Its weird how all of the sudden your life becomes a race to the end. I went out to The Zone in Erie PA last night for the last time to say fair well to friend. Unfortunately, the one person I counted on to show up never did. Just gives me another reason to move I suppose. This week has been a real eye opener though. At work they had a going away party on Friday. A table was set out in the main lobby with cookies so all the members could celebrate my leaving. There were even two large cookies made for me, and I had gifts and cards to go along with it all. Leave it to the Credit Union to involve the entire city! I never knew how many people I have touched since being at the Credit Union. There was even an small blurb in the newspaper on Saturday in the section by R. L. McCray. Parts of me will truly miss being in this small town. I told Cathy Last night that it just seems like ever thing stops on Thursday, I have no idea what will happen after that point.

So now its time to face the matter at hand. I am currently unemployed, and that makes me very uneasy. This week will be busy with visiting family and packing the car. My new life and journey await me this weekend... Who knows what it will bring...

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