And I quote:
"...and why and I telling you all of this Bryon? Because as of Sunday [yes, as in, 4 days away...] you will no longer be working at 600 [current store location]. You will be 700's [notice a theme in the numbers?] new manager!"...
I must say I was quite shocked. First, 700 [new store location, just in case you weren't following] is not exactly the store I wanted. Its another 24 hour store. I was sort of hoping to not get a 24 hour store, since the hours and customer flow was better. Also, 700 [keeping up?] is further away than 600 was. Also, I was hoping I would have more than 4 days to prepare. But, alas, this was not the case. And so, it is Sunday, and I am waiting in the firefly (on paradise) parking lot, waiting Devin. We are having brunch before my first day. Quite nervous right now, but I did pick out an awesome outfit! Here's to rapid changes in life...