Thursday, April 22, 2010
Blue's Original Bar-B-Q
Eventually, our food did arrive. The garlic mashed potatoes were pretty good, but that was about it. I ordered the brisket. It would be wrong to say that the food was bad. It is more accurate to say the food was mediocre at best. Overall, I do not feel we will be going back to that restaurant, at least not until they get a following.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Life Changes
And I quote:
"...and why and I telling you all of this Bryon? Because as of Sunday [yes, as in, 4 days away...] you will no longer be working at 600 [current store location]. You will be 700's [notice a theme in the numbers?] new manager!"...
I must say I was quite shocked. First, 700 [new store location, just in case you weren't following] is not exactly the store I wanted. Its another 24 hour store. I was sort of hoping to not get a 24 hour store, since the hours and customer flow was better. Also, 700 [keeping up?] is further away than 600 was. Also, I was hoping I would have more than 4 days to prepare. But, alas, this was not the case. And so, it is Sunday, and I am waiting in the firefly (on paradise) parking lot, waiting Devin. We are having brunch before my first day. Quite nervous right now, but I did pick out an awesome outfit! Here's to rapid changes in life...
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Tuesday Night at Fremont

Afterwards, we headed down to Fremont Street. We caught the 10pm canopy showing, then hung out at Mickie Finns around the outdoor fire pit! The moon watched over us, as to say, be happy and enjoy!
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Friday, January 29, 2010
In other news, I am being promoted at work, so I have started working day shifts to train for it. That means I wake up at 5am, am at work at 630am, and off work at 230ish. This is a major change in my life, so it has been hard to adjust! But, I am hoping that within a few weeks, I will be moved to a smaller store that does not open until 9ish, so I may have a few extra hours of sleep!
Also, it is now winter in Vegas, which means a light jacket, and some wind. From what I hear though, this has been a mild winter, which is perfectly fine for Carrie and me! Remembering winter’s past, I can hardly even imagine living in that type of environment again. I try to explain that to those who live here, but it sometimes falls on deaf ears. I guess they just need to experience that for themselves!